How’s life in Leeds International Summer School by Alexis, Université Jean Moulin Lyon III

Hi everyone! My name is Alexis and back home I’m a Law and Political Science student. I attended both Block 1 and Block 2, studying “Path to Justice: Criminal Law and Legal Skills” and “Introduction to Psychology: Perception, Cognition and Emotion”.

How’s life in Leeds International Summer School? Honestly, LISS felt like living in a dream! You’re in a small community, with people from different countries, even continents, and it feels like you’re living in another world. For instance, this year almost every continent was represented, with people coming from the US, Mexico, Australia, South Korea, India, South Africa, Slovakia etc… This whole melting pot creates a totally new culture. Indeed, exchanging with people with different languages and cultures helped me open up even more to the world. The social assistants also helped so much to create this community spirit. And if, at first, I was scared of speaking English with native English speakers (French people being famous for their incapacity to speak English), this fear disappeared in few minutes after realizing that everyone is making efforts to be understood by everyone.

About the program itself, it was scheduled to make the most of this July. Classes were super interesting and accessible for everyone, thus allowing anyone to attend any class, and the professors were all amazing. Field trips and excursions were perfect to see the United Kingdom differently. York for example was perfect to see another aspect of the British History, by representing its Viking/Nordic past, while Whitby was the perfect occasion to discover more of Northern English nature and landscapes (watch out for the seagulls though). LISS also grant us with enough time to travel by ourselves, during afternoons or weekends. I thus went to Edinburgh and London with some friends and traveling with them was a totally different experience that what I would have experienced if I travelled by myself.

I still have so much to say about LISS 2022 but if I wrote everything I wanted, this post would probably never end. Leeds International Summer School is definitely going to be a milestone in my student life, and I came back home with an infinite number of incredible memories and so many new friends across the globe.

By Alexis Pastre – Université Jean Moulin Lyon III – France

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